
Reminder: We need your help!

Klamath County needs a non-judgmental spiritual center and we are it.  Please take a few minutes and look over our committees.  If you can spare a few hours a month, we can make a difference during this challenging time.

Religious Education  Find ways to stimulate the young ones via Zoom.  Or park visits.  Need folks to think outside the box for the children.

Worship Committee —  Plan Sunday services.

Membership Committee —  Greeters when we meet in person.  Reach out to those in need as the Cares & Concerns group.  Especially needed during this time of isolation.  A simple phone call can make someone’s day.

Fellowship Fun Nights — Connie DeVry needs some folks to help her plan whatever gatherings outside the service we can hold.  Special events planning is included.  Sounds like fun!

Social Justice Committee — Courtney Neubauer leads the service once a month and plans events to get us out in public.  To let our presence be known.  Very fulfilling work.  Acting on our principles.  We needs idea people too.  So if you can’t march you can at least share your thoughts.


Need Assistance?

Our Cares & Concerns team is available to assist elderly, immuno-compromised and others at high-risk during this pandemic. Please contact us if you need help getting groceries, picking up a prescription, or just need to talk on the phone.  Email klamathuu@gmail.com.

Also, if you want to volunteer on this committee, email us!

Physical Location:

We’re at: 1918 Oregon Avenue (Friends Church), downstairs, on the same side of the building as the garden. We will be meeting both in person and on Zoom every Sunday for your convenience.

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